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Profitability: $2.1 Trillion per year.

Farmers: $3.9 Million / 1,000 Ha per year.

Collaborators: $300,000 / 1,000 Ha per year.

Colin Uebergang grew Wheat for 34 years without Anthropogenic actions.

Dudley Uebergang grew Wheat for 40 years without Anthropogenic actions.

Philip Uebergang trialled Wheat & Brassicas for 12 years over 560,000 acres without Anthropogenic actions.

The biggest Renewables come from Agriculture, along with the only answers for Global Warming.

Climate Change – Is like a bank robbery
gone wrong by Governments.

What is the connection between WildFires, Droughts & Floods? All begin with Low Soil Water Holding Capacity.

Then why did the previous Coalition Government and this Labor Government select Non-Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas methodologies like Carbon Capture and storage, which are useless methodologies as Nature already carries out this role far better than any inept Australian Government that focuses on Global Warming.

Global agricultural land is Five Billion hectares with possible abatement of less than Four tonnes per hectare.

Meaning Global warming emissions reduction could only be achieved by a third.

World Governments, Department of the Environment, Grain Growers, CSIRO, GRDC, Labor Advisors….. stop lying to us scientifically.

Digital Agricultural Planning.

FOOD……………………………………….Dairy, Cereals, Livestock, Canola.

FUEL………………………………………..BioFuel, BioFert.

FIBRE……………………………………….Wool, Cotton.


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